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Baggins' Review

Leisure Suit Larry: Wet Dream's Dry Twice

Version Reviewed (Steam)

Final Score:


I again would like to thank Assembly Entertainment/Crazy Bunch for giving me a chance to review their second game. Like my previous review I warn that I'm judging this game someone who has played previous Larry games, but that is is not my favorite Sierra franchise. Where I tend to enjoy more fantasy/sci-fi settings. Sierra games like King's Quest, or Quest For Glory, or the satire of Space Quest. So I look at this series from a slightly different eyes than a hardcore Larry fan might.

I'd like to apologize for getting this review out late. I've been rather busy on other projects due to Covid, and with this game's challenge slowing me up in many places. But I've finally found the time to put out this review.


The general premise in this game that 1980's Larry is still exploring and learning about the 21st century (c. 2019/2021 or so), over 31 years after the first game was released). He is still living on the island he was left on at end of the previous game. He learns of a distress signal from Eve the woman of his dreams, and villain of the first game.

He makes an attempt ot escape the island to escape an arranged wedding there, and find his 'true love' who had shipwrecked on a former Soviet controlled island resort. The rest of the game has him exploring the resort, looking for secrets of the island, and discover mystery of what happened to Eve.

Length & Exploration[]

Like the first game, this is a good lengthy game. It's on par with many of the later games in the series in size. Expect a good 10-15 hours gameplay. This will vary depending on how well you are able to solve the puzzles and find sometimes well hidden items and interactive nodes in the environment. Pushing middle-mouse button or space bar helps to find the hotspots.

Sound/Voices & Characters[]

Like the first game in the series, the sound quality in this game is top notch. They are sound effects you would expect in previous Larry games, including bodily noises and other 'gross' squishy sounds in the environment.

Jan Rabson reprises his role of Larry Laffer from LSL6, LSL7, Magna Cum Laude, Larry Reloaded, and Wet Dreams I. Again he is wonderfully cast, and a joy to hear again.

This game is filled with a wonder mix of zany and wild cast, with a good selection of actors. Some returning characters from Wet Dreams 1 lead to more hilarious hijinks. They show their disgust or interest in the character when recollecting previous experiences rather well.

AI known as PI continues to be a standout character, and begins to have an evolution of sorts as her firmware is upgraded (changing her personality in a sinister way).

The second game like the first game, the game includes much character development and interaction between various characters in the game. As I pointed out in the previous review. This was "Something uncommon for many of the classic Larry games that left characters as simply goals who would disappear or move on after you helped them or got your way.", in this game there is much continiuity between returning characters and previous game, and their evolution in characterization.


Like the original this game has excellent soundtrack, and great adaptations of the classic Larry themes, and some new renditions of themes introduced in the previous game.

Art Design & Animation[]

The art style is more of the same from the previous game. Very beatiful and whimsical. But nothing that stands out, when compared to the previous game. Animation is still rather well done.


This is another well-presented old-school style adventure game. It has great graphics, great sound, and sticks to the formula of classic Larry games. It has alot of great humor, and a good story.


This game increases the challenge of puzzle design compared to the previous game. But the puzzles are very much in line with what one should come to expect of puzzles from this series. Many are obtuse much like the puzzles in early games. There are hints in the surrounding areas, but you have to be paying attention to the scenery and places very well.

Compared to the first game, I found myself stumped on many occasions, and even had to resort finding walkthroughs/videos to see what I might have missed.

Te Good[]

Like the first, even though this is a non-Al Lowe game this game feels very much like authentic Larry game. The humor is still very much in the vein of the entire series.

This game feels like a mix of Larry II, Larry 5, and Larry 6, perhaps with a touch of Larry 3 as well. Particuarly with the island resort motif.

The Bad[]

The puzzles might be found to be hit or miss. Some might be a bit obtuse, and often require much 'moon logic' to understand. But this only makes solving them very confusing.

Again some might regret the the lack of direct in-your-face frontal nudity. The team chose to self-censor themselves and avoid things that some might find truly offensive, and lack of nudity was part of this deciesionl

The Ugly[]

Nothing in particular struck me as ugly... Other than maybe the dirty pool, and the decomposing cafeteria food.

Final Thoughts[]

This is a good sequel. I might find it a tad weaker than the previous game, due to extreme moon logic required to figure out some puzzles. But some fans might find that to be a strength, and a link back to classic Sierra games in general. I found it a bit tiring at times.

I do think its still worth the $30 price tag. Its still very stylish presented game, with great voice actors, music, and game length. Only puzzle design might turn off some players. Still there is more than enough value in the game. But like many Adventure games it doesn't seem to have much replayability, and unlike the first game it tends to be more linear with its puzzle and event progression.

Assembly/Crazy Bunch are still great development group, and I hope they find the success to continue this series far into the future. May the next game be even better than the first two.